Getting started with Isovalent Cilium Enterprise

This official getting started hands-on lab with Isovalent Cilium Enterprise covers the step-by-step experience to:

Check out a freshly installed Isovalent Cilium Enterprise

Apply and test a policy

Watch the change in connectivity

Modify the existing policy to reach perfect connectivity


Additional resources: 

Isovalent is cool because it enables Platform Teams to dramatically improve the performance, visibility, security, and scale of #Kubernetes networking by injecting security and logging capabilities directly into very low levels of the Kubernetes stack (the operating system kernel). Gartner

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What is Isovalent Cilium Enterprise? 

Isovalent, the creators behind the Cilium and eBPF open-source project, offers Isovalent Cilium Enterprise to address the complex workflows related to security automation, forensics, compliance, role-based access control, and integration with legacy infrastructure that arise in cloud native environments as platform teams engage with application and security teams within an enterprise organization.